Friday, November 14, 2008

Entertaining a Bit

Hosting the quilting group - here's what it takes:

A place for each quilter to set up her machine, with some room to sprawl a bit... (place mats keep machines from traveling across the table.)

A few snacks that will hold up for the day - healthy and chocolate are the two categories...

A fresh pot of flavored coffee, several tea options, creamer, and cheery cups. Each quilter chooses a different color of cup to keep track of all day long.

Add anywhere from two to ten quilters, and you have a delicious day!


Gretchen said...

I'll be boarding a plane immediately...Thanks. Soe and I should be there a little late, but don't worry, we'll fit right in. :)

Jill said...

What a fun day!
I'm thinking of doing this with a few knitting friends.
Problem is what to do with little ones while the momma's are busy.
Someday this shall be possible.

Susanne said...

Looks good to me. I'll just come and munch while you guys quilt away!

Unknown said...

Oh how I would love to be a part of your group. Or any group like that. What a great day of sewing and really getting something done.

elizabeth said...

What time did you want me to drop by??? :) Seriously it looks like you are set for a good day. I love doing things like this.

Barb said...

How nice, Bev. You make even the simplest things nice and I imagine your friends love it when it's your turn to play hostess.

I love those placemats. And I love those coffee cups. And that surprises me because you know me - beige, white and seafoam green - everything!

Beck said...

Can I come? I don't quilt but I can PRETEND!

gail@more than a song said...

How fun does that look! One day I'm going to learn how to quilt.

And that ceiling paint, a brilliant idea!