Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Enjoying Right Now Right Now...

"Neither go back in fear and misgiving to the past, nor in anxiety and forecasting to the future; but lie quiet under His hand, having no will but His."
H. E. Manning

For today, I'm enjoying this very first clematis blossom. As for the rest of those masses of buds - they'll open in their own time, with no fussing on my part!


Unknown said...

Spring! Do they smell as lovely as they look?

Barb said...

So sweet...you'll have to take another picture when all of them open.

Susanne said...

I love that color of clematis! We have the dark purple variety and I love the massive amount of blooms they provide all at one time.

Robin said...

Beautiful! And so is your new blog look - I love it!

Gretchen said...

Enjoying right now right now is the best thought my thinker has had all day. Lots of heaviness from praying over sad, angst-y schtuff from friends.

But this is the day that the Lord has made. Let us give thanks and rejoice in it. For there will never be one just like it.

Lurve Mr. Clematis.