Friday, July 10, 2009

Buying Love

If you want to win the heart of a teensy three year old girl, here's what you do:

When you spy her sporting her Hello Kitty purse, out on the town, stop and dig in your own purse. Share the spoils with her.

Strong suggestions:

One tube of hot pink sticky as all get out lip gloss. She will love it, and reapply it at least three times in ten minutes, getting some on her lips some of the time.

One mirror to admire her beautiful lips.

A few coins to put in the zipper compartment. Everybody knows a lady needs to have a little money at her disposal.

Note: Might want to confiscate the lip gloss before she's tucked in the for the night. If same little girl starts reapplying that hot pink lip gloss after bedtime, and her mama sees it coming at her freshly sewn bedding, well, you may be on someone's good side, but you'll live awfully hard on the other.


Barb said...

This paints some of the nicest pictures. I can just see her with her little purse, getting all excited over coins.

And I can also see Sarah's face, when the lip gloss comes out at bedtime. :-)

Don't you love it? We tried to tell our daughters that paybacks were going to be a .... nevermind. LOL

Dawn said...

This might even world with young teenagers. . .When we cleaned out my daughter's purse before she left for her KY mission trip, I think we took out 8 different lip glosses. And trust me money is right up there - - - coins, dollars, and certainly credit cards ; ) And even if they don't want to admit it, they love Hello Kitty too.

Kelly said...

Little girls and purses are among the cutest of images to me. I especially love the look when accessorized with some too big heels from someone elses closet!

You are such a sweet Nana... hope you are able to enjoy some special time with your favorite little people while waiting for you truck to arrive:-)

Anonymous said...

Behave yourself Grandma!!

Susanne said...

Now are you speaking from experience about the confiscation note? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Awww...that should have included a picture :-)

Gretchen said...

This is darling.


It also evokes the memories of the evil noise toys that my folks gave my kids.

So...on the one hand, I'm all glowy and happy, and on the other, I'm simply waiting for the circle to come around so I can buy the noise toys. ;)