Sometimes I forget what our favorite stuff looked like, or that we even had it.
I think that's what it's going to be like T.O.D.A.Y., when the driver pulls up with all our 'household goods'. What they call 'household goods', that they drove away with almost a month ago, I call that great polka-dotted chair for the great room, the leather sofa, old quilts and throws, fluffy pillows, great-smelling candles. Family photos that have been tucked away for months (because nobody gets to stage a house with family photos), books and puzzles and sewing projects waiting to be finished, towels and rugs and favorite CD's, cookbooks with batter and splatters making the pages stick together, worn out houseshoes that fit your feet perfectly, old toys from childhoods past, cribs waiting to be filled with grandbabies. The growth chart, which some would call a board, that we've hauled from house to house for almost thirty years, just waiting to be hammered up somewhere because some of the people in our family are still growing.
Watching that big truck pull up, seeing its doors open wide and the men start hauling it all out, to create one massive mess in this empty house - oh my, I cannot wait. The thought of seeing all our favorite things that we've mostly forgotten about - it conjures up thoughts of taking down drapes and sewing everyone matching outfits and twirling around the room, singing all about it - who cares if it's a bit off key!
Yay! Today's the day. You've been unbelievably patient. Have fun!
Sounds absolutely wonderful! (And I hope you will do it- you would surely make the day of those movers!!)
Sounds like today will be an awesome day for you....memories and STUFF!! Have fun and don't work too have plenty of time to go through and organize everything!
The hills are alive, Baby! With the sound of music.
Have a wonderful time Bev!
Ha, ha, ha! You know I'm laughing my head off, only because the anticipation in this post is so comical after what really happened! Driving up to the house to see you hunched over like a 90 year old, and seeing your house as I left it hours later, still looking like a bomb went off--well, it's only fitting, considering this has been a move from the pit. But hopefully by the time you head back to PA, all those things will come true.
Except the clothes from drapes, right?
See you tomorrow! xoxo
Happy unpacking! Our new house did not start feeling like home until the family pictures, candles and blankies came out of boxes! Love and blessings, Karen
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