Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm a Dork, Possibly

or Probably. Or maybe really cool. Depending on how you look at it.

I have a huge, new crush on knitting dishrags.

When I stopped in the yarn shoppe yesterday, and told the owner I'd heard knitting dishrags was 'all the rage' her mouth sort of fell open. Apparently she hasn't been informed yet.

I'm not yearning to knit one of those beautiful cabled sweaters or little melon-colored tunics you can wear during the summer months, or scarves that are ten feet long and can be wrapped around your neck ten times so you look very 'Hollywoodish', a look that conjures up visions of Gwenyth Paltrow strolling down the sidewalk, burdened with carrying packages from all her shopping.

Just dishrags. Little cotton ones that are not as big as my lap. And this is a new crush, but I'm gaga over it, to the point it made me sad to be a grownup last night, when it was 11:30 pm and everything boring and adult and mature in me said I had to turn the light out so I wouldn't wake up feeling like death warmed over. When you're over 50 it's not brilliant to pull all-nighters.

I wanted to stay up and 'knit knit knit' as Sarah and I like to say.

It's Becky's fault really - she posted about her dishrags, and who knows why on earth but something in me just jumped at it, the smallness, the simplicity, the down-to-earthiness of it all. I've already envisioned giving them, in little bundles of six, with one of those jars of nice-smelling counter spray from Target, tied up with a ribbon, to blushing brides who possibly won't have a clue what to do with them, but will love them just the same for the wholesomeness of it all. I love giving handmade gifts - it seems to be rare these days, but what's charming about shopping from a registry (in my humble opinion)?

So today, since I was mature and adult and grownup and went to bed at a semi-reasonable hour, I'm going to pay bills, post debit slips, touch up the nail holes in the upstairs bedroom, then I'm off to Joanns to spend a gift card that I squirreled away at Christmas, for a day such as this. When it's going to be sunny and 60 degrees and I don't want to be stuck indoors. I want to go out and play and ride in the car with the windows down a bit, and maybe drive through Sonic and get one of those strawberry fruit slushee things that makes my nose freeze if I drink it too fast.

Which I will, because I'm just a dorky kid sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness it sounds like loads of fun. I wish I could go with you. We would borrow my knitting friend's convertible while she is at work AND WE ARE NOT and go riding around with the top down and the Beach Boys blaring from the CD player.

Make my slushee strawberry!!

Robin said...

Sounds like such a fun, carefree day - the kind that don't come around often enough.
Have fun!

Renna said...

Can I please squish into the backseat of Becky's commandeered convertible when you gals are making the drag through Sonic? I'll take a diet Cherry Limeade, though; and wouldn't it be cool if they still put those cute little plastic animals in their drinks? I'd like a purple monkey in mine, please! ;-)

I love knitting dishcloths. They are the perfect take-a-long project, too. Rarely do you need to refer to the pattern once you get started, plus they're small and portable.

I hope to be like you when I grow up, Bev. I'm walking around dreary-eyed and cranky today, 'cause I stayed up knitting too late, knowing full well what it was going to do this over-50 body of mine.

Barb said...

I just very well may introduce the crocheted version of the dishcloths into the mix. I love everything about the idea of making them in sets and giving them along with something wonderful to clean the kitchen with.

Perfect. And I hope there's room for one more in the back seat of that convertible Becky's going to get for us. :-)

Gretchen said...

Umm...one more for the convertible. :)

Must add Abba's Mamma Mia to the music we won't be listening to.

Do you have a pattern or a website for such? I need to improve my skillz, and dishcloths are so highly desirable due to their finishability! How's that for a word?

Barbtha can just cowboy up her crochet pattern, too. I'm not much past a single or dbl crochet though...

Dianne said...

Do the dishcloths come with an operator? THAT would work for me. (I'm good on the dishes, the buck about stops there . . . )

Linda said...

Life would be very sad indeed if we couldn't be dorky kids once in a while (and I'm older than you Bev!).
I love those little dishcloths. I downloaded a pattern from another website the other day, and those look mighty cute too.
I'm making myself finish the baby blanket I've started and then it's on to dishcloths - because they really are sweet!