Monday, March 16, 2009

Birthday Party

D celebrated a birthday recently, and we were a bit pressed for time, so we went for sweet and simple.

That means only spicy, fattening food allowed, and Dairy Queen cake. (You can't see the spicy, fattening food because we ate it all!)

D was very disappointed they only had large cakes in stock. Sad, sad news.

For entertainment, D read Curious George Feeds the Animals to all of us. Only one of us could really see the pictures. It was riveting.

That little monkey, always getting in trouble...

For games, hide and seek :-)


Barb said...

The only thing you forgot was Pin the Tail on the Donkey. LOL

Great cake! And gorgeous little boy! The big boy isn't bad either. :-)


Gretchen said...

Grandma always said that "less is best", and "keep it simple".

Adorable. Both of them, but especially them together.

And I MISSED YOU! I hope you're refreshed and had the best time ever. xxxooo

Kelly said...

Any birthday involving a DQ cake is a good one:-) Looks like the birthday boy enjoyed the entertainment, too :-)

Welcome home! I'm so glad you are back and can't wait for the stories.

Susanne said...

LOL. Happy Birthday to D! Nothing better than spicy, fattening food topped off with ice cream cake and curious george. That little monkey under table looks pretty mischevious himself! LOL.

Sarah said...

Oh my word, I LOVE that last picture! I could eat him up!! It's going to be a sad, sad thing, if Les's next baby is skinny.

Love you!