Goodnight, I'm late, late. But then you can't really post photos of a tree that isn't up, or a mantle that isn't decorated, so maybe I'm right on time. Thank you, Sophie, for letting me play even though I was late for the party. Any good southern girl knows you don't show up early, when the hostess is still fussing with her hair and lighting candles, but you don't show up so late that you've missed half the conversations either.
So - hey everybody, and specifically my family who isn't here this year, some of you who were going to be here on Christmas morning, sporting bedhair and new Christmas pjs and eating turkey, and laughing and playing.... here's what you're missing:
I didn't show the front of the house because you've seen it before, but it has two reindeer and a big, red wreath and garland over the front door - very cheery. There's also an old fashioned sled propped up next to the door in case you'd like to fly down our hill. I retrieved it from the moving neighbor's trash a few years ago, and after I added a bow and some greenery I love it!

This is my new addition. A good friend had this Snow Village up in her living room every year, and when I asked her about it, and researched online what they cost new, I started shopping on Ebay. I've got a Christmas shop and a little Tudor house still coming. The bandshell plays "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" til you want to smack someone, but it's magical looking at night, when you flip the lights on. I thought my grandkids would love it, but daughter, Leslie was horrified to see that it was glass, very breakable and very tempting to clumsy little hands. I told her we'd be careful, and it's only a 'thing'. Replaceable on Ebay if needbe. I plan to leave it up through at least the end of February since it's colder than all get out up here til at least then.

Our lovely fake tree, prelit so my DH likes it much better than the old one. I left the bottom branches undecorated til my helper gets here. He's coming in about an hour, and we're going to have such fun finishing it.

These are for his chubby, little hands to hang. A few are breakable, but again, they're just things. If he breaks them, we'll sweep them up and move on. I figure the dogs tend to destroy the bottom of the tree anyway, so no need to be picky with it.

Our faux fireplace in the living room. It's one of my favorite things in the house. I've given Santa a list for what I'd love to see in my stocking, which includes new slippers and the DVD of Mama Mia so I can watch it another 99 times while I dance all over the family room. I will pre-warn anyone who agrees to watch it with me.

The only snowmen I kept from my big collection a few years ago. I like that the rest of them are in different homes, most of my girlfriends took some. I kept just a few of my favorites.

You can't have Christmas without mistletoe somewhere. We used to drive to Louisiana and my father would grab some of it out of the trees there. I've had this fake one for at least 20 years. Lots of kissing goes on under this!

The family room mantle decorated so that it can stay this way year round. Brilliant friend Cathy gave me that tip. This goes with most seasons. This fireplace is real, as you can see from the soot stains. It's big enough to roast a pig, but we've held off so far.

Maybe my very favorite Christmas decoration. The 'But God' stays up year around, because really, that says it all, doesn't it? Merry Christmas everybody, even those who weren't scheduled to come to our home and come down the stairs with bedhair in new Christmas pjs. If you haven't already done the tour, you can click on the button at the top to see all the lovely homes out there who have opened their doors to us.
Lovely, Bev. I too am fond of your "But God". Wow! If I had a nickel for every time I have said that in my life, I could buy a faux fireplace, which I want SO badly.
Tell me, if you can, what kind you have. So far, I have not found THE fireplace to make me happy. I'd love to know what kind you have. I know you have good taste and a lovely home, so I bet it would be a great one for me.
Have a merry Christmas, even without a houseful of bedheaded people in new pjs. I'm so glad you had a good visit over Thanksgiving.
There are so many things I love about this, I don't know where to begin. First, I love, love your sweet new design.
How fun that you're starting the collection. With two more pieces on the way, you sure made a good start on it this first year.
Isn't it funny that we both think a Christmas tree isn't finished until you put the candy canes on, all because our mom did this? Don't laugh, but I'm thinking seriously about stringing popcorn next year because she did that too.
By the way, you're not fooling me. I happen to know it's raining there and that's why you didn't tromp outside to take a photo of your beautiful house.
My favorite part of this, by far, is that you made one word out of "needbe." I really love that.
And you. Merry Christmas, little sister. xoxoxo
I'm late too!
I need to get a Mistletoe Ball....
Lurve your warm hospitality, not caring about my bedhead and all. Also, can I come over to see Mamma Mia? I promise, I'd dance and sing, too! I never got to see it because by the time I could make time for it, it was gone. Should I just ask for the DVD, sight unseen? :)
I agree, your "But God" sign says it all and deserves to be up year round:-)
Two things always strike me about you... one, your ability to let things go (like your snowman collection)and move on. Wow- I wish I had that gift. I am cultivating, it though, and hope to get there some day. Second, your wide open heart for your family. Things are just things, and what joy your family must have in your home, free of worry abou the things and able to cherish the memory making. (My parents are the same with my girls, and it makes their home such a wonderful place to be; consequently at 10 and 11 my girls would still rather be with Nana and Papa than anywhere else ~ a treasure my parents don't take for granted!)
Merry Christmas! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home, and the heart that makes it:-)
You did great! Never too late. Glad you joined us on the tour.
Merry Christmas from She Lives!
I am in love with your mantles....
From one GRITS blogger to another, Marry Christmas.
Everything looks so great and I love your "But God"
That's just the kind of grandmother I want to be Barb - the kind who doesn't care about the things - who has the ability to sweep it up and move one - Wow - what an awesome attitude! Ebay can replace it!!!
I love your home and your decorations! And the "But God" sign - I need to get me one of those. I think I invented that saying!
I really love your family room mantle. It's gorgeous =) I actually had misletoe (sp) at home when I was growing up and don't now that I have my own house. Not sure why, but I need to look for some!
Merry Christmas!!
Bev it's so beautiful. I love your village.
Everything is beautiful and so festive, Bev. I love those villages but don't have any place big enough to display them.
Love your fireplaces, even the fake one. I wish we lived in a place with a fireplace, but apartments are kind of tacky and overdone with a fireplace, don't you think? ;o)
The sled sounds like it's just perfect outside your front door.
Hope you have a joyous and happy Christmas season, dear Bev.
Merry Christmas! :o)
Bev, you are a hoot! Love the fireplace and I gave Santa the same item, Mamma Mia, for my stocking! Sure hope he delivers cause there's a gaggle of women with their calendars booked for a showing at my house at the end of this month! :) Catch a flight out here and come dance with us, girl! We very well may have microphones, and yes by that I mean wooden spoons, so be warned! Great tour. Pop on over and pay me a visit sometime. Merriest of Christmas blessings to you and yours.
Tiffany in Washington...for now
Bev, I LOVE the last picture of "But God". Eric and I say this to each other all the time when God does something only He could do. I love it! I pray I run across one of those sometime (or figure out a way to make my own :)
Sarah's babysitter here!!!! I am dying to know where you got your "But God" sign! I have seen it at Sarah's house a zillion times, and over a course of seven years, you'd think I'd have stopped to ask Sarah!!!
Your home looks great... not to mention your home-to-be! I have heard tons about how great it is from CP and Gray!
I love all your decorations, especially the Snow Village. I'm gonna get me something like that someday! I love that you let your grandchildren touch things and partcipate in the decorating. My Mom does that, too, for her grandchildren.
I asked for the Mamma Mia DVD, too!
Thanks for the tour! Merry Christmas!
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